Michael: Protection and Truth
The meaning of the Michael is “ He who is like god.” Archangel Michael is the leader of the archangels and the order of the angels known as the virtues. He is the most familier among archangels lists and also known as the angel of protection. He protects us physically, emotionally and psychically. His main mission is to free the earth from toxins associated with fear.
His name name has been taken thrice in the Book of Daniel and mentioned that he is the mediator between God and the people. In the new testament Michaels leads God’s armies against Satan during the war in heaven and defeats their force and referred as “ Archangel Michael.” The feminine aspect of Archangel Michael is Archeia Faith.
You can call upon him when you need protection if you find yourself in unsafe place, if you met an accident, sexually abused or physically and psychically attacked. He will also help you in cutting etheric cord and release you from another person. He helps you by providing courage/ strength in any area of your life like facing challenges, physical and mental challenges, to free yourself from the suicidal thoughts.He helps us to be more faithful and support us to tell the truth.
Archangel Michael provides inspirations to leaders and serve the world by inspiring the leaders to improve the government systems/ policies.
Archangels Michael along with his ray assist in healing of ear and throat infections, reduces fever, stress and clams the central nervous system, lowers the heart rate and blood pressure.
Colour: Sapphire Blue or sun shine yellow. The energy of this colour is natural pain reliever.
Day: Sunday
Chakra: Throat Chakra
Crystal: Lapis Lazuli
Number: His number is 6. The meaning of number 6 is being responsible and protector of others. It is caring, being a good teacher and healer. The wisdom of this number is being faithful, nurturer and provides selfless love.
Zodiac sign: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius are the three sun sign which have influence of Archangel Michael.