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Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on. Law of Attraction is an Universal law which uses the power of the mind to translate whatever is in our thoughts and materialize them into reality. All dominant thoughts turn into things eventually. Law of attraction is not bias, it doesn't care whether you are good person or bad, the result you will get is depend upon your dominant thoughts. Let say,if you focus on negative things then you will attract negativity, negative situation, person etc. the things which you don't feel good about.On the other hand if you give more focus on positive thoughts then you will attract positivity, positive situation, person. It is an universal law like a gravity, which you can't stop it, it was working, it is working and it will be working in your life whether you like it or not. It can give you both positive and negative result so why not use it in our favour by applying it in a proper way.

You can attract anything whether it's money. health, good relationship, job etc. whatever you want to achieve in your life. It's sound so exciting isn't it but you have to apply it. But knowing about law of attraction is not enough you have to use it properly.

Many of you have heard  or seen the movie "The Secret". In the movie and the book The Secret by Rhonda Byrne all the speakers have talk about staying gratitude. Gratitude is the vast subject of this movie. They have recommend to practice gratitude religiously. The only thing which you can do to apply Law of Attraction in your life is start applying GRATITUDE.


Here I will give you 6 basic simple steps to apply law of attraction


1.Write your wish list or the things which you want to attract most in your life

2.Practice Gratitude

3.Write 10 things that you are grateful for each morning

4.Staying happy and positive all the time

5.Meditate for at least few minute every morning or before going to sleep

6.Read the books like The secret, The power, inspiration article on law of attraction


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