Full moon meditation
Moon is an important part of our life. Whether it is celebrating any festivals or starting a new task, we consider the movement of the moon. There are 12 phases of the lunar cycle. Among them full moon is the escalation point of the lunar cycle, but it doesn’t mean that rest of the phases don’t have potential.
Observing the entire lunar cycle and honoring your energy can powerfully help in your manifestations, and deepen your personal growth and connection with your Spirit too!
Full moon
The Full Moon is the time when the light of the Moon is fully illuminated in the night sky. It is the lunar cycle when the earth comes in between sun and the moon in straight line. Though the moon exert pull on earth on other day as well but Full moon is the time when this energy becomes three times stronger due to the combined gravitational pull of sun and moon.
In this universe everything is energy. The energy of one object have effect on another object and everything is interrelated. Full moon have highly charged energy and there is no doubt that if the moon has the power to pull ocean tides, surely it must affect human body
both spiritually and the physically.
During this phase of the moon the energy is heightened where emotions run high and psychic abilities are amplified.
The Full Moon is a great time to give more focus to your desire, and also to release what is no longer serving you .It’s a good time for any ritual, and meditation to receive the guidance from your higher self. It is the time when your intuition get align with your true path and the highest possibilities for your life.
The Full Moon is the where your deepest desire begin to manifest. It can be done by practicing gratitude for the things which you have already achieved or yet to come or through meditation.
Full moon meditation
“Full moon meditation is very well known. The moon is also very connected to spiritual practices. You can say that these meditations are more compelling.”
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
As mentioned above the full moon have more effect on human body. Practicing meditation can help to encounter these effects. Meditating during the full moon provides an opportunity to connect deeply with our inner wisdom and with nature.
Steps to full moon meditation
Step 1
If you are not performing this meditation outside , create a sacred place with some relaxing music, place crystal or other special items around you. Invoke your higher self or angel to help you in this meditation.
Step 2
Clear your energy by smudging, lighting incense or candles, or by performing reiki or other self energy healing if you prefer. Close your eyes and imagine yourself standing under the white, purple or golden light.
Step 3
Become fully present with your body by giving focus to your breathe as you breathe in and breathe out. Notice any tension and allow them to relax with every breathe you take.
Step 4
Declare your intention what you want to realise from your life, write it on the piece of paper.
Step 5: Seal it when you are finish writing it.
Step 6
Let go and take a beep breathe and declare that “ I (your name) now release ( whatever was your intention which you have written). Then say Thank you and So Be It. Try to say it out loud if possible.
Then burn the paper in which you have written your intention and let the universe handle it.
Step 7
Sit in the silence for few minutes listening to the music by giving focus to your breathe. Let go of everything and believe that all the good things are coming to you and on it’s way. When you are done and ready slowly open your eyes.
When you are finish drink a glass of water or if possible stand outside under the full moon for few minute.
Love and Light